Food Fraud & Authenticity in amsterdam
Attend this food fraud & Authenticity training in Amsterdam. We also provide inhouse training. Understand the main food safety responsibilities placed on food business owner/managers. Event Date 09 – 10 December 2019, Location – Singapore
In this masterclass, examples of real-life cases are analysed, and practical ways of conducting a VACCP study are thought. After this masterclass, you’ll be able to conduct your own study, and you’ll know the possible solutions when detecting high risk raw materials & packaging materials.
Event Date 09 – 10 December 2019, Location – Singapore
Economic fraud with food stuffs is a rising concern in all parts of the world. Melamin in milk, beef being replace by horse meat, sugar water added to honey, …. A long list of scandals has appeared in the news over the past years, all having 1 factor in common: an economic profit for the fraudster, some where along the supply chain. Since not all crisises have a direct food safety impact, a common HACCP risk assessment cannot be used to detect risks.
In this masterclass, examples of real-life cases are analysed, and practical ways of conducting a VACCP study are thought. After this masterclass, you’ll be able to conduct your own study, and you’ll know the possible solutions when detecting high risk raw materials & packaging materials.
- Business owners and managers
- Individuals interested in developing a food business in the 2020s
- Technical/Quality Managers with site responsibility for food safety
- Technical/Quality Supervisors wishing to upskill
- Enforcement/Government Agents wishing to understand best practice from a food business perspective
- New Product Development Managers/Supervisors to understand modern food safety considerations
- Sales and Marketing Managers particularly those involved promoting high risk and high care (ready to eat) products.